Located at the Northern end of the Tarkine Wilderness is Dismal Swamp a 640 hectare sinkhole (the largest sinkhole in the southern hemisphere). Twenty minutes west of Smithton and only 20 minutes from the beautiful coastline at Marrawah. Dismal Swamp offers an experience that only a very few people ever get to enjoy.
From the moment you drive through the giant entrance gates you know that this is different. The car parks are surrounded by giant old growth trees and multitudes of man ferns and other natural flora. Red, flame and pink breasted robins as well as blue wrens and a myriad of finches greet you as you follow the paths to the visitor centre. The centre itself is an award winning structure that is perched on the very edge of the Dismal Swamp sinkhole and gives fantastic views over this most unique natural wonder.
A fully licenced café offers the opportunity for a coffee and cake or muffin cooked on the premises by our qualified chef. Or, if you prefer, a full meal on the balcony overlooking the forest. Stroll out on to the hanging walkway and see the majestic Blackwood and stringy bark trees from a different perspective. (Don’t forget to look down).
For the young and young at heart there is the opportunity to ride the giant 110 metre slide to get to the sinkhole floor in 15 seconds, or less. Or for a more sedate introduction take the 360 metre path down to the maze. The maze is 1.2 kilometres of boardwalk in the swamp itself and is surrounded by a forest that is probably the same today as it was 10,000 years ago. Marvel at the magical atmosphere and appreciate the works devised by local artisans to represent their personal view of what should be in a place called Dismal Swamp. Watch out for potoroos, pademelons and echidna as you wind your way through this very special forest.
More than just a stopover Tarkine Forest Adventures is recognized as a must see destination with something to offer everyone who has a love of the outdoors and the wonders of nature.


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